Inside News

IMS Group Successfully Organizes National Dealers Meet 2024 at Chandragiri Hills

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KATHMANDU, [July 6, 2024] – IMS Group successfully concluded its National Dealers Meet 2024 at Chandragiri Hills from July 3rd to 5th. The 3-day event brought together stakeholders from across Nepal, focusing on strategic collaboration and innovation in distribution.

The event commenced with an opening ceremony featuring speeches by representatives from IMS Group and Samsung Nepal. Throughout the event, presentations highlighted key initiatives and future strategies aimed at enhancing market presence and customer engagement. Intensive training sessions led by professional trainer Mr. Akesh Jaiswal provided attendees with valuable insights into market management and sales strategies, equipping them to navigate the competitive business landscape effectively.

A highlight of the event was the awards presentation, which recognized outstanding achievements and contributions from partners in the previous year, demonstrating IMS Group’s commitment to acknowledging excellence within its network.

The event concluded on a high note, with participants departing Chandragiri Hills with renewed enthusiasm and strengthened partnerships.

Mr. Dikesh Malhotra, President & CEO of IMS Group, expressed satisfaction with the event’s outcomes, stating, “The National Dealers Meet 2024 has been a tremendous success, reflecting our commitment to excellence and innovation in collaboration with Samsung Nepal.”

The event highlighted IMS Group’s leadership in the distribution sector and its ongoing efforts to drive growth while delivering exceptional value to its partners and customers.

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